I saw Trisha for the first time when she walked into my bay at the car dealership I had been working at for 8 years. The moment she was introduced to me, I was already hooked. She was beautiful, funny and so easy to talk to. Getting to see her quickly became the highlight of my day. It was during one of those chats after work when Trisha outsmarted me while I was fixing my Jeep. I was having a hard time figuring out how to get a switch cover to fit and she just immediately had a solution. Before I knew it the words "I love you" came out of my mouth.
Jump to almost 6 incredible years together in our home with our fur baby, and I finally worked up the courage to propose. I had a plan to take her for a walk along the river, one of her favorite places, but mother nature had other plans, so I got down on one knee right in the middle of our living room. Before I could even finish my question she had said YES!
- Cody
The first time I saw Cody I was just starting a new job at a car dealership in Windsor. Cody had a jeep in his bay torn down to almost its bare bones and the first thoughts through my head were "damn, I hope he knows how to get that back together" quickly followed by "wow, he's cute". We immediately hit it off and starting talking everyday at work.
Like I believe all the best ones do, our relationship started off as an incredible friendship made up of lunch chats, carpools, and nights downtown with friends and effortlessly grew into the amazing life we have together now.

We are lucky enough to already have nearly everything we need for this new chapter together.
However, for friends and family who have expressed and interest, we have created a gift registry for your convenience.
Those who wish to contribute towards our home renovations, gift cards for Home Depot, Amazon, Ikea, and Canadian Tire would be most welcome.